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Carciofi alla Romana

Tender beautifully steamed baby artichokes stuffed with an Italian breadcrumb mixture, giving loads of rich flavor and a melt in your mouth memorable experience with wonderful subtle hints of mint, parsley and garlic. Mangia! 

Carciofi alla Romana

Tender beautifully steamed baby artichokes stuffed with an Italian breadcrumb mixture, giving loads of rich flavor and a melt in your mouth memorable experience with wonderful subtle hints of mint, parsley and garlic. Mangia! 

Carciofi alla Romana

Prep Time

20 min

Total Time

40 min


3–4 people



10 baby artichokes
bowl of cold water

2-3 lemon wedges

1 clove garlic crushed

1/4 cup finely chopped mint

1 tablespoon finely chopped
fresh Italian parsley

3/4 1 cup Italian Style breadcrumbs

3 tablespoons evo oil

Pinch of sea salt

Pinch of fresh cracked black pepper


  1. Take artichokes and cut of a bit of the top off getting rid of the tips of the leaves and creating a nice level surface.
  2. Peel off a couple of layers of the lough leaves till you get to the more tender ones.
  3. Open centers and create a bowl for the breadcrumb stuffing, and rinse artichoke with cold water, repeat this until all artichokes are prepped and ready.
  4. In the bowl of cold water squeeze in lemon juice of the lemon wedges, and place baby cleaned and peeled baby artichokes into bowl. Let sit for 10 minutes.
  5. While artichokes are soaking in lemon water, in a bowl mix breadcrumbs, garlic, parsley, and mint. Add a little olive oil and stir. Keep adding olive oil until you get a nice workable mixture that you can form in your hands. Set aside.
  6. Take artichokes out of the lemon water and let drain and dry.
  7. With a spoon scoop breadcrumb mixture and fill the center of the artichoke cavity, pressing the stuffing firmly so it sits nicely in the center, continue until all artichokes are stuffed making sure that the top of the stuffing is nice and pressed and formed in.
  8. In a medium deep sauté pan place artichokes upside down and close together in pan. Pour water until it comes about halfway up the artichokes. Place in a couple of tablespoons evo oil in the water along with some sea salt and cracked black pepper. Cover and place on low heat.
  9. Cook for approximately 15-20 minutes turning heat to very low when water begins to simmer.
  10. Take off heat and serve using the juices of the pan to dress the artichokes on the finish plate.


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