Decadent Bites – Italian Centre Shop
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Prep Time

10 min

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Total Time

20 min

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10–12 each


10-12 slices of baguette (plain)

5 slices of ciabatta (plain), cut into halves or thirds

1-2 tbsp olive oil

1x box olive oil and sea salt crackers

130g plain or honey goat cheese

1x container duck and pork paté with foie gras

1x container apricot jam

1x container crackin’ cranberry conserve

1x container quince paste

Fresh thyme to garnish


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 350F.
  2. Drizzle the slices of baguette and ciabatta with extra virgin olive oil
  3. Bake for 7-10 minutes until slices start to get crispy and turn a golden colour.
  4. Mix and match toppings on each the baguette, ciabatta and crackers – best flavour pairings are:
  • Paté & quince paste
  • Goat cheese and cranberry
  • Goat cheese and apricot jam
  • Goat cheese and quince paste
  1. Top each with a thyme garnish and enjoy!


  • Set out all of the toppings separate from the baguette, ciabatta slices and crackers for a ‘make your own’ decadent bite! It’s fun for guests and easy for you too as the host!