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Upside Down Puff Pastry Tarts 3 Ways

We’ve taken the viral upside down puff pastry trend and made it three delicious ways! Two savoury and one sweet, these tarts are extremely versatile and tasty. Bottom line – have fun with flavours, textures and colours. These are simple and super impressive.

Upside Down Puff Pastry Tarts 3 Ways

We’ve taken the viral upside down puff pastry trend and made it three delicious ways! Two savoury and one sweet, these tarts are extremely versatile and tasty. Bottom line – have fun with flavours, textures and colours. These are simple and super impressive.
Upside Down Puff Pastry Tarts 3 Ways

Prep Time

10 min

Total Time

40 min


6 - 8 tarts



Tomato Basil:

1x sheet defrosted puff pastry, cut into 6-8 pieces

Olive oil

3-4 garlic cloves, sliced thin

20-30 small basil leaves

1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese

1 egg + splash of water for an egg wash

1 large tomato, chopped

Salt and pepper to taste


Sausage & Pepper:

1x sheet defrosted puff pastry, cut into 6 long rectangles

Olive oil

20-24 slices thinly sliced bell pepper

3 cups of Massimo’s Mild Italian ground sausage meat (divided into six ½ cup portions)

1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese

6 tbsp shredded parmesan cheese

1 egg + splash of water for an egg wash


Stone Fruit

8-12 tsp honey

1 sheet pre made puff pastry, cut into 6-8 rectangles

2-3 nectarines, sliced into 8-10 slices each


1 egg + splash of water for an egg wash

chopped walnuts, mascarpone cheese or whipped cream and honey for serving


Tomato Basil

  1. Preheat the oven to 400F and line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. If not in a sheet format already, roll out the puff pastry and then cut into 6-8 rectangles.
  3. Drizzle about 2-3 tsp of olive oil per rectangle onto the parchment paper. Layer 4-5 slices of garlic and 4-5 basil leaves over the olive oil. Then sprinkle over about 2 tbsp shredded cheese per tart.
  4. Layer on one of the rectangles of puff pastry over top of the cheese and use the prongs of a fork to press down around the rectangle. Repeat with the remaining pastry.
  5. Brush the egg wash over top of each tart and then bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes or until the puff pastry is nicely browned.
  6. While the tarts are baking, mix together the chopped tomato with a drizzle of olive oil and pinch of salt and pepper. Set aside.
  7. Remove and flip over the tarts when done onto a plate and serve topped with chopped tomatoes mixture. Enjoy!

Sausage & Pepper

  1. Preheat the oven to 400F and line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. If not in a sheet format already, roll out the puff pastry and then cut into 6 long rectangles, almost like you’re creating long ‘buns’ for the sausage.
  3. Drizzle about 2-3 tsp of olive oil per rectangle onto the parchment paper. Layer 3-4 slices of pepper on the oil. Next layer ½ cup of sausage, shaping it so it will fit underneath the puff pastry rectangles with about ½ inch space around. Then sprinkle over about 2 tbsp shredded mozzarella cheese and 1 tbsp shredded parmesan cheese per tart.
  4. Layer on one of the rectangles of puff pastry over top of the cheese and use the prongs of a fork to press down around the rectangle. Use your fingers to press gently along the top of the tart as well to help adhere the cheese/sausage layer. Repeat with the remaining pastry.
  5. Brush the egg wash over top of each tart and then bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes or until the puff pastry is nicely browned and the sausage is cooked through.
  6. Remove and flip over the tarts when done onto a plate and serve with mustard of choice. These are delicious cut in half and picked up like a hot dog / sandwich. Enjoy!


Stone Fruit

  1. Preheat the oven to 400F and line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. If not in a sheet format already, roll out the puff pastry and then cut into 6-8 rectangles.
  3. Drizzle 2 tsp of honey per rectangle onto the parchment paper. Layer 4-5 stone fruit slices over the honey, then sprinkle over 1 tsp brown sugar and a pinch of cinnamon.
  4. Layer on one of the rectangles of puff pastry over top of the pile you’ve made and use the prongs of a fork to press down around the rectangle. Repeat with the remaining pastry.
  5. Brush the egg wash over top of each tart and then bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes or until the puff pastry is nicely browned.
  6. Remove and flip over the tarts when done onto a plate and serve with mascarpone cheese or whipped cream, chopped walnuts and a drizzle of honey. Enjoy!


These tarts are truly versatile, instead of nectarines you could try apricots or peaches.


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